Saturday, June 23, 2007

Credit Card Transactions

Are you NOT using the credit card feature because you don’t want to enter all those vendors into your vendor list for each credit card charge? Use generic vendor names like “restaurant” “fuel” or “hotel”. The QuickBooks credit card feature is awesome and rivaled by more expensive software. Stop entering from the credit card statement, start entering from the charge slips. Get control of your finances, it’s a great tool. To learn more about this feature, take a one hour class at


Anonymous said...

such a simple solution, but I never thought of that myself! great idea!

shannon said...

we just upgraded from quickbooks personal to quickbooks accounting, and they offer processing for credit card transactions which we may be interested in, because right now we have a merchant account that's really expensive. now that i know that it's so easy, and there are shortcuts (not to mention it will make reconciliation so much easier).. i'm going to consider it a little more seriously!